Saturday, October 27, 2007

Life In The Fast Lane!!!

Boy oh boy, have I been busy!!! I'm so sorry that I've waited so long to post but it's really been crazy around here. I guess I can't fuss at Jonathan anymore for not posting in a long time! LOL! Well, things have been going well on my end. Busy with work of course! I was so glad that I got to see Mom and Muddy a couple of weekends ago in Hebert. Man, I hope I have as much energy as Muddy does when I get her age! I know alot of that is God-given strength. I can't wait to see Mom again at Christmas (and Diddy, too!). It was so fun to get to go shop with my favorite shopping buddy again!!! I wanted to post a few pictures from the visit...

How blessed am I to be able to have both of my beautiful grandmother's in one place to visit with? I love them both so much!

Me and my favorite shopping buddy!!! I love you MOM!

Bill's been pretty busy getting his business off the ground. He's been working on several different projects simultaneously so even when he's not at the Sheriff's office working, he's at home working! And don't forget...somewhere in between all this work we're fitting in time to make a baby! No bun in the oven yet, but I know that God has it all under His control. I know I just have to have faith and be patient!!! Well, I'm off to pick up the dogs at the groomer. One last haircut before the cold weather sets in. They're always so cute right after they get groomed so I'll take a picture when I get back and post it. I have a testimony I need to tell you about anyway about one of my dogs (I know, sounds a little crazy but you'll see!).


Favorite One said...

So glad to have another post from you my favorite cousin Jennifer! And yes, you are very blessed to have both grandmas - I too am blessed that I still have both my grandmothers alive. Chloe and Lydia both get to see both of them. Luv you!

Fred said...

Hey Jennifer! Great post about my Mama (your Muddy)and your other grandmother. The pictures were great too. Hello to Bill.